Lecture 7
Excel 2007
#Microsoft Excel : is a special program office used to
apply mathematical operations .
#to start Microsoft excel : start button >all
programs >Microsoft office > Microsoft excel 2007 > main screen will
appear directly page (273)
#work sheet and cell naming : part of worksheet (p
*name of cell : (the letter of a column +yhe number
of a row) D8
#electronic reading : the program knows the name of a
certain cell and its component by just clicking on it (p 274 -275)
#writing text and number on cells and cells selection
The area where we write on is called a worksheet.
-click on the cell using the mouse or move using
arrows in the keyboard .write then press enter or tab.
**uses of keyboard in a worksheet**
-to move to a new line ENTER
-to move to a new column TAB
-to delete the component of cells DELETE
-to move to the beginning of a row HOME
-to move to the end of a row CTRL+END
-to move to start of worksheet CTRL+HOME
-undo any error CTRL+Z
-redo CTRL+Y
# Edit cell content :
Selecting cells : this program is like any program in
Microsoft office .
To select one cell: click on it
To select all cells: press CTRL+A
To select a row or column click on the number of the
row you want to select .click on the letter of a column.
To select sporadic and far apart cells : select on the first cell,and then
click on the other cells while you pressing on [CTRL ] from the keyboard
#save books: press CTRL+S > dialog box will appear
directly \ or from office button >save as >excel workbook
#delete rows and columns :
Select the row or column which u wanna delete
>right click on the row or column >click on delete from the list .
#insert rows and columns :
Select the row or column which u wanna insert before
>right click on the row or column >click on insert from the list . enter row to insert row or
enter column to insert a column >ok
#worksheet (name ,insert ,delete ,copy ,move ):
*rename the worksheet: Right click on the worksheet
which u wanna rename >click on rename >write a new name >enter
*insert worksheet: click on insert tab>select worksheet >a
new worksheet will appear directly .
*sorting worksheet :
Click on the sheet which u wanna change its location > drag by mouse
*delete the sheet : right click on the sheet which u
wanna delete >select delete from the list .
#Applying calculator operation on cells:
*summation the cells:
Click on the cell which u wanna see the result
in >then write (=) >click on cell which contains the first number
>write (+) >click on the cell which contains the second number >press
Enter to calculate the result .
*subtraction \
multiplication \ division of cells : the
same ..
# Functions (maximum value )
Click on the cell which u wanna write the result in
>click on the function (fx)
Button in the
formula bar >dialog box will appear >select the name of function (max)
>ok > the program will ask u to select the range of cells ,so drag the
mouse on the cells which u wanna to include in this function >ok> the
result will appear in the cell which u selected in the beginning .
*minimum value : like max value ,but select the name of function (min).
#sum function :
The summation function : is a function that is used to
sum automatically the value without pressing (+) each time.
Click on the cell which u wanna write the result in
>click on the function (fx)
Button in the
formula bar >dialog box will appear >select the name of function click on
(sum) >ok > the program will ask u to select the range of cells ,so drag
the mouse on the cells which u wanna to include in this function >ok> the
result will appear in the cell which u selected in the beginning .
*Auto sum button
( ) :
Auto sum button which appear in the home bar does the same work of the function sum
Click on the cell
in which you wanna calculate summation >click on( auto sum) button on
the home bar to select the range of
cells > press Enter button , so the summation will appear in demanded cell .
End of computer skills course .. good luck students :)