Assembly Language 5

Lecture 5

print ascii characters

.model small
.stack 100h
main proc

mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax

mov ah,2
mov dl,0
mov cx,255

int 21h
inc dl
dec cx
jnz ll

mov ah,4ch
int 21h
main endp
end main


 display pass or fail ..

.model small
.stack 100h
msg1 db 'pass$'
msg2 db 'fail$'


main proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,90
cmp ax,60

jge addr1

mov ah,9
lea dx,msg2
int 21h

jmp ended


mov ah,9
lea dx,msg1
int 21h


mov ah,4ch
int 21h

main endp
end main
# Excersice :

Read a character and if it is "y" or "Y" display it , other wise terminate the program ..

.model small
.stack 100h
main proc

mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax

mov ah,1
int 21h

cmp al, 'y'
je a10

cmp al, 'Y'
jne  endeed

a10: mov ah,2
mov dl,al
int 21h

endeed :
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
main endp
end main

# write a program :
1- read two numbers 
2-display the biggest one in the next line 

# write a program :
1-display a message "insert two numbers:"
2-read two numbers
3-display a message :
-"enter (1)to add numbers 
-"enter (2)to subtract numbers
4-read the selection number and display the answer .

____________ good luck ____________

computer skills - lecture 7 - last lecture

Lecture 7

Microsoft  Excel  2007

#Microsoft Excel : is a special program office used to apply mathematical operations .

#to start Microsoft excel : start button >all programs >Microsoft office > Microsoft excel 2007 > main screen will appear directly  page (273)

#work sheet and cell naming : part of worksheet (p 273)
*name of cell : (the letter of a column +yhe number of a row) D8

#electronic reading : the program knows the name of a certain cell and its component by just clicking on it (p 274 -275)

#writing text and number on cells and cells selection :
The area where we write on is called a worksheet.
-click on the cell using the mouse or move using arrows in the keyboard .write then press enter or tab.

**uses of keyboard in a worksheet**
-to move to a new line ENTER
-to move to a new column TAB
-to delete the component of cells DELETE
-to move to the beginning of a row HOME
-to move to the end of a row CTRL+END
-to move to start of worksheet CTRL+HOME
-undo any error CTRL+Z
-redo CTRL+Y

# Edit cell content :
Selecting cells : this program is like any program in Microsoft office .
To select one cell: click on it
To select all cells: press CTRL+A
To select a row or column click on the number of the row you want to select .click on the letter of a column.
To select sporadic and far apart  cells : select on the first cell,and then click on the other cells while you pressing on [CTRL ] from the keyboard

#save books: press CTRL+S > dialog box will appear directly \ or from office button >save as >excel workbook

#delete rows and columns :
Select the row or column which u wanna delete >right click on the row or column >click on delete from the list .

#insert rows and columns  :
Select the row or column which u wanna insert before >right click on the row or column >click on insert  from the list . enter row to insert row or enter column to insert a column >ok

#worksheet (name ,insert ,delete ,copy ,move ):
*rename the worksheet: Right click on the worksheet which u wanna rename >click on rename >write a new name >enter

*insert worksheet:  click on insert tab>select worksheet >a new worksheet will appear directly .

*sorting worksheet :
Click on the sheet which u wanna  change its location > drag by mouse

*delete the sheet : right click on the sheet which u wanna delete >select delete from the list .

#Applying calculator operation on cells:

*summation the cells:
Click on the cell which u wanna see  the result  in >then write (=) >click on cell which contains the first number >write (+) >click on the cell which contains the second number >press Enter to calculate the result .

*subtraction  \ multiplication \ division  of cells : the same ..

# Functions (maximum value )
Click on the cell which u wanna write the result in >click on the function (fx)
Button  in the formula bar >dialog box will appear >select the name of function (max) >ok > the program will ask u to select the range of cells ,so drag the mouse on the cells which u wanna to include in this function >ok> the result will appear in the cell which u selected in the beginning .

*minimum value : like max value  ,but select the name of function (min).

#sum function :
The summation function : is a function that is used to sum automatically the value without pressing (+) each time.

Click on the cell which u wanna write the result in >click on the function (fx)
Button  in the formula bar >dialog box will appear >select the name of function click on (sum) >ok > the program will ask u to select the range of cells ,so drag the mouse on the cells which u wanna to include in this function >ok> the result will appear in the cell which u selected in the beginning .

*Auto sum button  ( ) :
Auto sum button which appear  in the home bar does the same work of  the function sum

Click on the cell  in which you wanna calculate summation >click on( auto sum) button on the home bar  to select the range of cells > press Enter button , so the summation will appear in demanded cell .

End of computer skills course ..  good luck students  :)

computer skills lecture 6

Lecture (6)

#operations on slides :
1-    To delete any slide : click on the desired slide from the slide list and press on DELETE  key
2-    To change the order of slide: click on the desired slide from the slide list and drag it up or down
3-    Copying slides: Click on the slide and press CTRL +C then click on the desired location and press CTRL+V
4-    To hide a slide :so as not to be presented during slide show , click on the desired slide  >hide slide

#operation  on the inserted objects :
*to copy object from one slide to another :
Click on the desired object>press    CTRL+C ,press CTRL+V to paste

#Rehearse timing :
This commands  is used to specify the needed time to show the contents of  the slide ..  ليصبح العرض معتمدا على الزمن لا على تدخل مقدم العرض

Slide show tab >setup >Rehearse timing

#Escaping or exiting presentation : to exit a presentation at any time : press ESC key on the keyboard

#custom animation setting :  

#applying custom animation : لتحديد حركة احد مكونات الشريحة
Animation tab >click on the desired object >custom animation >add  effects >select the animation to apply >select the speed , direction …

"Click on play button or slide show button to show the animation or preview"

#setting the slide transition property : لتحديد حركة الشريحة ككل
Animation >transition to this slide >click on the transition type to preview them on the presentation slide directly > select  the  speed ..

#printer and its setting :
#slides printing :
Office button >print >dialog box  will appear (p 499)

#show setup and program options :
#presentation or show setup :
Slide tab >setup >setup slide show  >dialog box will appear  (p501)

#you can protect the document by writing the password:

Prepare >encrypt document >enter a pass word

End of  power point program ..