Lecture 5
print ascii characters
.model small
.stack 100h
main proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ah,2
mov dl,0
mov cx,255
int 21h
inc dl
dec cx
jnz ll
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
main endp
end main
display pass or fail ..
.model small
.stack 100h
msg1 db 'pass$'
msg1 db 'pass$'
msg2 db 'fail$'
main proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,90
cmp ax,60
jge addr1
mov ah,9
lea dx,msg2
int 21h
jmp ended
mov ah,9
lea dx,msg1
int 21h
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
main endp
end main
# Excersice :
Read a character and if it is "y" or "Y" display it , other wise terminate the program ..
.model small
.stack 100h
main proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ah,1
int 21h
cmp al, 'y'
je a10
cmp al, 'Y'
jne endeed
a10: mov ah,2
mov dl,al
int 21h
endeed :
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
main endp
end main
end main
# write a program :
1- read two numbers
2-display the biggest one in the next line
# write a program :
1-display a message "insert two numbers:"
2-read two numbers
3-display a message :
-"enter (1)to add numbers
-"enter (2)to subtract numbers
4-read the selection number and display the answer .
____________ good luck ____________