#print and setting :

*page setup:
Click on (page layout)tab >page setup >orientation > select portrait or landscape

*preview before printing :
Click on office button >print >print review

*printing :
Click office button >print >print >dialog box  (p 232)
NOTE: you can directly print by pressing CTRL+P

#Bullets , Numbering :
Select  the list you wanna add numbering to ,
1-For  Bullets :Home tab>paragraph group >bullets >the bullets will appear ..
2-For Numbering : Home tab >paragraph group >click numbering

   # Insert Tables  and formatting them :
     *insert  tables:
  Click insert tab >table button >insert table >dialog box will  appear :
  specify num of  column \ row > ok  > the table will appear on the page .

start writing on the table
press (Tab ) to move between cells

*selecting  a table : move the mouse over the table until it selects the square  which appear .

*to select a row  or column or some cells :
Drag the mouse from first cell to the last one..

#Borders and shadows : ( to format table using  Border and shadow  order ) :
Click on the design tab >table style >border > click on dialog box foe border and shadow: {
>Click on the style of border
>Select the color
>Select the width of border
>select on the ( shading ) tab
>specify the background
>preview the color  }
Then click on the table to see the effects

#Insert columns and rows:
If u need  to insert rows or columns to the table :
1-To insert a column: select the column which u want to add a column (before ,after )>layout > rows &columns > click on insert right button  >a new column will appear directly  in the table  .

2-To insert a row : do the same but click  on insert below button .

#Deleting column or row : to delete any row or column :
Right click on the demanded  row or column  >select deleting rows  or delete column .

#Deleting cells :
Right click on the demanded cells >click on delete cells > click on the direction where u wanna to make a shift to  >ok
#Merging  cells :
If u need to merge a group of cells in one cell :
Select the cells which u wanna merge > merge group >click on merge cells >the cells will appear in one cell.

#Splitting cells :
Is the opposite of merging cell ,it divides the cell to many cells.
Select the cell >layout >merge group >click on split cells > dialog box will appear :deter  the number of columns and rows  > ok > the cell will appear  in many cells .

End of  lecture 4    ( End of MS word )

Assembly language Lecture 2

 Second Lecture ...

.model small
.stack 100h
msg  db  'Have a nice vacation$'
main  proc
mov  ax,@data
mov  ds,ax
mov  ah,9
lea  dx,msg
int  21h
mov  ah,4ch
int  21h
main  endp
end  main


Assembly Languge - second lecture

First Program in Assembly Language 

.model small
.stack 100h

main proc  
mov  ah,02                               02 يعني امر طباعه
mov  dl,'?'
int   21h

mov  ah,4ch
int  21h

main endp
end main  
if we put this   mov  dl,09h    after   mov ah,02  
                        int  21h
 راح  يمشي شوي  مسافه ويطبع ؟ 

if put this     mov  dl,0ah  
                     int  21h
>   راح  ينزل سطر  ويطبع ؟

 good luck

computer skills - Lecture 3

Lecture 3

Today we r complete the MS WORD 2007....

#Header and Footer :
to repeat a text or a field (date, time and num of page) at the beginning or at the end of each page.
**Click insert tab: > chose header from header and footer group>  a box will appear on the top of the page
**click on the footer then write the text that u wanna appear at the end of each page .
To close this tool bar :click anywhere in the page . or close button.

# Insert Symbols :
Click insert tab >choose symbol > the dialog box will appear , choose the symbol u want to insert then press insert>the symbol will appear directly on the page > Select the symbol then start formatting it if u want ..

# Insert a picture , clip art , and format them :
**insert a picture from a file :
Click on insert tab >select picture  > the dialog box will appear .. choose the location of the picture  and choose the picture… it will appear on the page directly ….
* Click on the picture to activate it  to format it ( zoom in – zoom out - Style …….from the a above )
*Click on CTRL+E to center the pic
*Click on CTRL+L to move it to the lift side
*Click on CTRL+R to  move it to the right side

** To control the position of  a picture according to the text :
Click on the button in the figure to show the position > select the option to apply it to the pic..

# Insert Auto shapes:
Click insert tab >select shapes >click on the demanded shape then start dragging until u reach to demanded size.

**To write on the shape :
Right click on the shape > select add text

*IF you add the shape over a text :
Right click on the shape >select order > send behind text . OR from format tab.. the text will appear over the shape
  ** zoom in or zoom out the shape  >  by mouse

** to format the auto shape:
Click on the shape to activate it then start using ( fill color –shadow style –shape style – line color – 3D style …..)

# Insert word Art :
Insert > word art > click on the demanded shape >ok >dialog box will appear > your text will appear on the page ( u can zoom in or zoom out and format it as u like , as format picture and shape ..)

# Insert organization chart :
Insert > smart art >select your shape >it will appear directly in the page ..
** double click on the chart to format
Add shape > add shape after>
*to write a text >click on the square then start writing ..

# Copy Format :
To copy the format  from text to another :
Select the text which u want to copy its format >click on Home tab > chose "format painter " from clip board group >then drag the mouse over the text which u want to copy the format on .

# Borders of the paragraph :
You can make  a shadow and border for any title or word or paragraph in the document :
Select the paragraph >click Home tab>shoes "border"  button from paragraph  group > select border and shading …. Dialog box will appear  (P_239)

That’s all for today's lecture :)
Next lecture we will finish the MS Word  .. and the quiz about "word" will be after the vacation inshallah …. 

Assembly Language _ First Lecture ..

We all know that’s programming language devided to :
#1- High level language , such as C++, Jave , VB ….          
#2- Low level language , such as : Assembly language ….

Assembly language program  translated directly to Machine language by MASM32  program...
  # Steps to write a program in Assembly language by masm 32 program

First , create a new folder in masm folder
 (computer -c:  --> masm folder--> create new folder and name it  for example: "mm")
 Then .. open MASM32 program -->code --> create new console app--> choose masm folder --> choose  folder u created "mm" ---> write a name "example m1" --> OK --> Makeit.bat --> delete /coff and delete Polink/sub…….:console then write Link16 --->save -->   File --> open --> open the "m1.asm"   then write a program --> save-- >  project -- > makeit.bat -->press any key to continue --> File --> cmb prompt --> write the name u created "m1" --> press Enter key to execute  …  :)

Any Q u can ask me ...  @TeacherAlanoud  
im here for u .. :)  Good Luck ..  :)

Computer Skills - Lecture (2)

Lecture  (2)

Today we r gonna study chapter 2 Microsoft Word 2007

#To start MS Word:
Click start button --- >all programs --- > Microsoft office-- > microsoft office word 2007
Microsoft word screen will be appear :book (p-179)

# writing a text and moving in it and selecting it :
To write a text : using the keyboard
To move to a new line :use Enter key

*1- to move to the beginning of line : click on the demanded line then press Home button from the keyboard.

*2-to move to the End of line :
Click on the demanded line then press End button .

*3- To move to the beginning of Page:
Click on the demanded line and press ( ctrl+Home) to move the pointer to the beginning of page

*4- to move to the end of page:
Click on the demanded line  them press ( ctrl+End)

# Select a text or part of text:
Using the mouse to select a text ..

#select all ( ctrl+A)

#Edit a text:
*1-to delete a text : select the text u want to delete-- > press the DELETE button .
*2-  adding a text anywhere in the page:
Click in the place where u want to add a text then start writing..

# Formatting text :
You can format a written text ( alignment; left, right, center )or (large ,small) or (style: Bold, italic, underlined) ….

*1-style and size of font:
Bold = ctrl + B ( or press B from the title bar )
Zoom Out: ctrl + ]
Zoom in  : ctrl + [
Underlining: ctrl +U
Italic :ctrl + I

*2- text Alignment :
Center : ctrl + E
Align Left: ctrl + L
Align Right : ctrl + R
Or from the above (title bar)

*3-Font and color:
To change the font type : click on the font in the format bar. -

-to change the text color:                                                     

Look at page 191 ( Notes)**

#to change the language :
To write in Arabic Language :press (Alt + Shift)
Or click on language button on the information bar  (Ar)

#saving the document:
*to save a document for the first time :
Click ( ctrl+ S) or office button -- > save , select the location and name the document …( p 185)

*To save the document in 2003 version :
Office button-- > save as -- >previous version word97,word 2003.

#close the word program:
Press (Alt + F4)  OR  press  X    OR   office button-- >exit word

#open saved document
open MS word program -- >click (ctrl+ O) to see the dialog box -- > select the demand location and click on the demand file .

#open a new document : office button -- > new -- > blank document -- > create

#copying a text :select the you want to copy then then press (ctrl +c) click where u want to paste the text and press ( ctrl +V)

Cut the text  ( Ctrl + X)

#Undo and Redo: التراجع و الاعاده
*Undo: when you want to undo some order press ( ctrl + Z) or press undo button from title bar
*Repeat Clear :this order is opposite to previous order (undo) press ( ctrl + Y)

# view and hidden tool bars :
Click on ( customize quick access tool bar ) on title bar -- > just click on the tool bar you need to show , 
* to hide this tool bar: click on it again ,so this mark will disappear .

That’s all for today's lecture . .   Thx .. :)