computer skills - Lecture 3

Lecture 3

Today we r complete the MS WORD 2007....

#Header and Footer :
to repeat a text or a field (date, time and num of page) at the beginning or at the end of each page.
**Click insert tab: > chose header from header and footer group>  a box will appear on the top of the page
**click on the footer then write the text that u wanna appear at the end of each page .
To close this tool bar :click anywhere in the page . or close button.

# Insert Symbols :
Click insert tab >choose symbol > the dialog box will appear , choose the symbol u want to insert then press insert>the symbol will appear directly on the page > Select the symbol then start formatting it if u want ..

# Insert a picture , clip art , and format them :
**insert a picture from a file :
Click on insert tab >select picture  > the dialog box will appear .. choose the location of the picture  and choose the picture… it will appear on the page directly ….
* Click on the picture to activate it  to format it ( zoom in – zoom out - Style …….from the a above )
*Click on CTRL+E to center the pic
*Click on CTRL+L to move it to the lift side
*Click on CTRL+R to  move it to the right side

** To control the position of  a picture according to the text :
Click on the button in the figure to show the position > select the option to apply it to the pic..

# Insert Auto shapes:
Click insert tab >select shapes >click on the demanded shape then start dragging until u reach to demanded size.

**To write on the shape :
Right click on the shape > select add text

*IF you add the shape over a text :
Right click on the shape >select order > send behind text . OR from format tab.. the text will appear over the shape
  ** zoom in or zoom out the shape  >  by mouse

** to format the auto shape:
Click on the shape to activate it then start using ( fill color –shadow style –shape style – line color – 3D style …..)

# Insert word Art :
Insert > word art > click on the demanded shape >ok >dialog box will appear > your text will appear on the page ( u can zoom in or zoom out and format it as u like , as format picture and shape ..)

# Insert organization chart :
Insert > smart art >select your shape >it will appear directly in the page ..
** double click on the chart to format
Add shape > add shape after>
*to write a text >click on the square then start writing ..

# Copy Format :
To copy the format  from text to another :
Select the text which u want to copy its format >click on Home tab > chose "format painter " from clip board group >then drag the mouse over the text which u want to copy the format on .

# Borders of the paragraph :
You can make  a shadow and border for any title or word or paragraph in the document :
Select the paragraph >click Home tab>shoes "border"  button from paragraph  group > select border and shading …. Dialog box will appear  (P_239)

That’s all for today's lecture :)
Next lecture we will finish the MS Word  .. and the quiz about "word" will be after the vacation inshallah ….